The Cheswick Warriors Futbol club is a nonprofit organization created for the youth of Cheswick and the surrounding communities of Springdale, Harmar and Harmar Township to offer the ability for continuous growth and development, while maintaining the love and passion for soccer during the winter and summer seasons. During our Winter season, our club participates in Futsal, while the summer session is geared towards outdoor 5v5, 7v7 and 9v9 play and tournaments.
-Provides players with increased touches on the ball in fast pasted, game settings and environment
-Improves player decision making skills, offers creativity and allows players to discover their own skills and their own development
-Improves player ball skills and control and develops the confidence of players in 1v1s against their opponent both offensively and defensively
-The heavier Futsal ball increases the power and touch of the player
The commitment of the Cheswick Warriors Futbol Club is to provide Leadership, Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Friendship, and Trust to our young participants and their families. We feel these values will help further grow and develop our children into active members of the community and with society.